Your journey with ayahuasca: from Berlin to a strengthened consciousness

Time out from the international metropolis of Berlin: start your ayahuasca retreat

Berlin is Germany’s largest city with almost 3.7 million inhabitants. It is one of the most diverse cities in the world. Culture, history, shopping, entertainment and tourist attractions: The pulsating metropolis is full of possibilities. But every now and then, we humans need time to switch off and turn inward. Our ceremonies with ayahuasca support you in gaining self-confidence and practising self-love. Visit us in St. Augustin and take part in our weekend retreat with ayahuasca. We look forward to your participation from Berlin!

More about the active ingredient of ayahuasca

The active ingredient of the ayahuasca plant used has the psychedelic agent dimethyltryptamine (DMT). Since we work with the Syrian tumbleweed, our ayahuasca tea does not require the additional addition of DMT. We activate your body’s own DMT with our ayahuasca, which is why our ceremonies are completely legal in Germany.

Ayahuasca is a unique plant medicine. Escape the hustle and bustle of the big city of Berlin and join us on an exciting adventure journey.

Experience the power of shamanism with sensitive singing and music.

Our music with drums and singing bowls will guide you through the Ayahuasca ceremony to get deep inside yourself. Let your emotions and your everyday life rest in Berlin. Concentrate only on your physical and mental self-purification. Your experience with Ayahuasca will feel like therapy. You will come out of the ceremony a new person. Our former participants report about this experience. Experience it yourself and book your Ayahuasca retreat!

Your journey from Berlin to our ayahuasca ceremonies

Your journey to us in the Rhineland will be worthwhile. Our team

will be happy to accompany you on your path of self-healing. We look forward to your visit from Berlin. You can reach our house in St. Augustin comfortably by train within five hours. By arrangement, we will meet you at Siegburg station.